First of all, welcome to the Masfit team, and thank you for your interest and trust in choosing me to start this new adventure together, I assure you that, with the desire and involvement of both parties, we will achieve success and with it we will meet your goals. . This one-month pack of nutritional advice and personal training includes:
Initial study
Once we receive your payment, you will be able to download an information sheet in which you will find our contact number, so that we can specify the date and time of the first visit according to availability. During this first visit we will do an initial study:
- We will weigh you
- We will take measurements
- And we will ask you a questionnaire to have the maximum information to be able to carry out your planning
Delivery of the plan
The first diet planning and personal training table, being new and not knowing how your metabolism and body works or reacts to the change in diet and training, will take 4 working days, since it is more complex and being completely personalized it takes me more time.
Check-ups and follow-ups
We will monitor your progress every two weeks during a consultation, with a date and time previously agreed upon at the first check-up
- We will weigh you
- We will take measurements
- We will discuss your feelings and progress over the last 15 days.
Access to our application
During the duration of your plan.
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